Having a rifle safe at home can help alleviate dangers, especially if kids are around. Owning a gun is a big responsibility, and along with this is the task of safely storing them away to avoid untoward incidents including theft.

The problem with not having a pistol or rifle safe, (apart from being illegal!) is that other household members can access your firearms. You may be great at educating your child about your guns, but what if you have other friends and family members over for some occasion? Burglary is another issue. Protecting your gun like any other possession is essential.

Are Pistol Safes A Need for You?

To know if you need to invest in a gun safe, you first need to know the threat of not having one. Experts suggest that the main risk for guns and rifles is either fire or burglars. So, how else can you protect your guns from such occurrences without a safe?

Another thing to think about is the number of guns at home. Maybe having just one small pistol at home may not be too much to protect. However, having a wide collection of guns of different sizes will need added protection with safes. Gun safes will be your best choice to keep them out of reach to your children and make them only accessible to you and people you trust.

Tips in Getting Your Own Rifle Safe

The threat associated with unprotected storage of guns is always there. As a responsible gun owner, the best you can do is minimize these risks as much as you can. Here are some tips to help you get the best gun safe for your needs.

Consider the size

The capacity of your safe should be a priority. You cannot store your guns and rifles somewhere they could not fit into! When buying safes, note that their exterior size is rarely the same as their internal size. Hence, make sure to know the capacity of the safe and not just look at its exterior.

Some guns are larger than others. Tactical rifles have long barrels that need a long but narrow safe. Also, note if you will have to put their bullets or other accessories in the safe with them. And always check the legal requirements where you are.

In size consideration, a common mistake made is that gun owners buy a safe that is snug to their current gun. Make sure to assess if you will eventually buy more guns! Think ahead to make sure that investing in a bigger size will not be a waste to you.

Locking mechanisms

The best locking mechanism for your safe is something that is convenient for you. Hence, it depends on the gun owner! Know your options and weigh which is best. You can choose from key locks, electronics, biometrics, or a combination lock.

Gun safes and fire ratings

As we emphasized previously, fire is a real threat to gun owners. Most safes have fire protection, although it would be more expensive than other models. The most recommended fire rating for a gun safe is that which can withstand 1200 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes.

Having a fire rating means that your safe and its contents will survive a fire for a certain period. These safes are equipped with fire liners that release moisture if they sense extreme heat. The moisture and steam release will cool the inside of the safe.

Added security

Safes companies often advertise added security features. However, they may cost more. Make sure to know the type of bolts, anti-drill platings, or beams that anchor your safe to your room. Moreover, safe installations, like that of in-wall safes, need careful planning to fit the architecture of your homes.

Gun Safes For You

Safes Australia is a great place to start if you are looking for some of the best pistol and rifle safes! To fit your firearms them well, you can choose from our range of Secuguard or the CMI Rifle Safes SS5, SS7, or the large SS14 which have a key, combo, or digital lock. For smaller handguns, your options can be the key-locking Guardall Gun Safes SN15 or T25, or Secuguard SHS3 or SHS4. Safes Australia has all sorts of safes to fit the security of your homes and establishments. Feel free to check out our large range of complaint gun safes.